Submit a request

We have gathered the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) from our customers.
Please go through FAQ first and see if you can find the answer you are looking for; if not, please contact us via Inquiry Form below.

*For inquiries regarding an order or registered membership information, we will only respond to the registered member due to privacy concerns.
*We try to reply to all emails about our products and services within two business days, but kindly note that it may take us a little longer to research more complex inquiries.
*PREMIUM BANDAI is strictly for individual customers only, and does not offer wholesale accounts.

Prohibited Acts:
Customer are prohibited from egaging the following behaviours during inquiries.
In the event that such behavior is acknowledged, our Company may refuse to process or terminate the corresponding service.
1. Using someone else's email address for registration, etc. and making false delcarations.
2. The act of using computer viruses or malicious software or other methods to disrupt the operation of this website.
3. The act of attempting to duplicate or reproduce the entirety or a portion of the content in the responses provided by our Company.
4. The following behaviors that exceed socially acceptable norms.
・Making repetitive and prolonged requests over the phone.
・Making repeated inquiries on the same subject matter.
・Engaging in harassment (threats, libel, defamation, insult, abusive language) towards third parties or our Company.
・Engaging in threatening behavior towards third parties or our Company.
・Requesting repairs or support beyond the scope of the warranty or making excessive demands for assistance.
5. Engaging in actions that violate laws or regulations, or engaging in behavior that may potentially violate laws or regulations.
6. Other behaviors deemed inappropriate by the Company.

If you do not know your member number, please get it from "My Page"

Add file or drop files here
    Note: The maximum file size for attachments is 20MB.
    Please check your entry and click "Submit"

    We regret to inform you that PREMIUM BANDAI is not in the position to accept any idea, suggestion or proposal regarding product development, nor could we assist you with forwarding your submission to the relevant department.
    Do not attach any files other than those related to your purchase or PREMIUM BANDAI product inquiry.

    Membership Number: cannot be blank