To use a coupon, put your item(s) into the shopping cart and proceed to the [ORDER DETAIL] page.
In the [ORDER DETAIL] page, you can select your coupon or enter the coupon code in the [COUPON] field and click [APPLY].
After clicking [APPLY], the page will be updated to show that the coupon has been applied to your order.
Once you click [Check Out] and order is completed, then your coupon is used in your order.
If you do not follow the correct steps (e.g. inserting a wrong coupon code / removing the coupon or product from the shopping cart before the order is completed), your coupon will be considered as an unused one. You should ensure that you have selected the coupon or entered the coupon code correctly at checkout as it could not be applied later. (The unused coupon or the coupon code will be valid and can be used for next purchase until its expiry date.)
Please note that if the payment cannot be completed or your order could not be accepted due to any disturbance (e.g. by closing or refreshing the page) at checkout, your coupon or coupon code be considered as unused. Your unused coupon or coupon code will resume effective after one or two hours from the time the payment had failed, and it cannot be applied until it becomes valid again.
If you cancel an order that has already been used with a coupon or coupon code and it is not expired at your next shopping, that coupon or coupon code can be re-selected in this next shopping.
Please take note:
If you placed an order using a coupon that is available in coupon list or coupon code that was delivered through email, and then cancel it on or before 3 July 2019, that used coupon will be invalid and can no longer be used for the next purchase.
If you placed an order using a coupon that is available in the coupon list, and then cancel it on or after 4 July 2019, that used coupon would be effective immediately for the next purchase, subject to its validity. The validity of coupon could be viewed on Premium Bandai website accordingly.
If you placed an order using a coupon code that was delivered through email, and then cancel it on or after 4 July 2019, that used coupon remains effective during its validity and can be used for the next purchase. You must keep the email with the coupon code for the next purchase.
Yet, if you cancel the order using combined shipment, all of the aforementioned arrangements in connection with a coupon or a coupon code are not applicable, please contact our customer service for details.